Pride Fall Down
I know it is late, but some of us unfortunate saps do not get to check their blogs at work. I do like the feedback that I have gotten, though, so thanks. So far, Amy's picture choice is running second to the popular, shock-and-awe photo. And, just because it isn't America without a random third party making the vote counting interesting, I am adding my own "Ralph-Nader" to the mix (or "Ross-Perot" if that is your fancy).
Robert, The Early College Years, is pictured in this post. It was a shameful time in my life when I let a girl convince me that this hair cut was "cute", maybe even "sexy". Girls, if there was any doubt about the mind-numbing powers you have over the guys, then this should settle the issue once and for all. Yes those are ringlet curls on either side of my forehead. And yes it is combed into what is lovingly referred to as a "butt-cut" styling. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the "butt-cut", this is where a severely deluded individual parts their hair directly in the middle of their head creating a likeness, if you will, of a butt, hence the name. I put mousse in my hair back in those days (went through about a bottle every other week). I could pick my hair into a "fro" that stood approximately 6 inches out in every direction (debatably this may have been a better hair-style choice). And my father would mock me at the time (deservedly so) by saying that I was the prettiest of his three daughters. What was I thinking? Was I thinking?!?
I have digressed enough on the story behind this photo. Pride fall down! I believe this could be developed into a ministry, though...Humility Training, Butt-Cut-Counseling. Oh the possibilities!
I want to know everyone's bad-hair style stories. It will be good for your soul or will at least be entertaining to the rest of us.
I almost forgot...R-T-A:
Blue Jeans, Chocolate Brown Polo with Off-White Horizontal Stripes, White Socks, Timberland Hiking Boots
YOu need to keep that chocolate brown polo for Brian and Zerita's wedding would go with the decor.
The hair - hilarious
I will go with Amy on the pictures and vote for the profile photo that you already have. (You're welcome, Amy)
January 10, 2006 7:55 AM
Love the college picture with the cheesy pose. It's great, but I'm voting to go with the profile photo you already have.
January 10, 2006 11:47 AM
I'm waiting for my RTA for Tuesday and Wednesday.................
January 12, 2006 7:53 AM
Robert that is the funniest photo I have ever seen. The look on your face tells us that you know you are all that. The haircut is almost a throw back to Flock of Seagulls (that's an 80's band).
Bravo on kicking that pride to the curb.
January 12, 2006 11:52 PM
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